Ryan Jenkins

Speaker and Author
Next Generation Catalyst

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Friday, December 9th, 2016

09:10 Next Generation Engagement: Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Millennial Talent

70% of Millennials across the globe might reject traditional business to work independently.

For the first time in history, there are 4 generations in the workplace, each with a varying perspective of work. Due to technology and a challenging economy, Millennials have developed a unique view of career and success at work. For the organizations eager to spark change and energy into their organizations there are specific Millennial motivators that can be leveraged to ignite Millennial hustle and extend Millennial retention.

Audience Outcomes:
- Gain extreme clarity around who are the Millennials.
- Understand Millennial's unique work preferences and expectations.
- Discover the #1 reason why Millennials leave an organization.
- Relevant examples of organizations winning at Millennial engagement.
- Proven strategies on how to attract and retain top Millennial talent.
- Inspiring story about how to manage change successfully.